We know you've been smiling and staying positive all week with our helpful tips! Here's a quick re-cap to make sure the positive juices keep flowing! :-)
1.) Change Your Desktop Picture.
2.) Laugh Out Loud!
3.) Make New, Positive Friends.
4.) Start a Garden.
5.) Schedule "ME" Time.
6.) Turn Off the T.V.
7.) Take a Brisk Walk.
8.) Start a Gratitude Journal.
9.) Give Your Time.
Click Here for more on Tips 1-9!
Here are 2 more tips to keep your pearly whites showing and your positive spirit up! Guaranteed! :-)
10.) Try Something NEW! Trying something new makes life exciting! Excitement brings more thrills to the mundane activities of our days and our weeks. Getting "stuck in the rut" will be a thing of the past when you're adding new flavors to your life. Speaking of flavors, start off by trying a new dish. The next time you're thinking about going to your favorite restaurant, sitting in your favorite booth and ordering the same entree you always do, think again!! Try the NEW Brazilian grill that just opened up, choose to sit outside and enjoy that NEW, tasty dish! Watch those taste buds explode!
There are many NEW things you can add to your life like a NEW hobby, NEW collection, NEW book, even a NEW way home! Meaning, take the bus (yes, public transportation. lol), ride your bike or simply take the scenic route home instead. Try something new each week and by the end of the year, you've simply added 52 more guaranteed ways to keep you smiling and staying positive!
11.) Spend an Hour a Day Developing YOU! This is the MOST important of them all. Committing to spend an hour a day for your personal growth is as imperative to our lives as air is to our lungs. A part of this incredible journey through life is the growing process. If you're not growing, then you're not tapping into your greatest potential. If you're not discovering your true potential, then how will you Achieve all you want in life? Success doesn't happen through osmosis. It's not based on Luck either. It's based on the commitment and dedication to yourself, your growth and your determination to Achieve great things.
Starting today, commit to spending just an hour a day developing You. Watch, Listen and Read Inspirational books, stories, blogs, CD's and DVD's. Feed your mind with positive thoughts and see your outlook on life and yourself change before you. Imagine what 7 hours of personal growth can do. Then, imagine the 30 hours in the next month! And by the end of the year, you've grown 356 times!
Staying positive and smiling will be Guaranteed for the rest of your life.
Many Blessings....
Roxanne and Hugo ~ Believe Achieve
Further Reading:
Tips 1-9 to Keep You Smiling and Staying Positive

Hi Hugo and Roxanne,
ReplyDeleteGreat posts. Great series. Thank you for your sharing good advice for being positive. I especially like your suggestion to take one hour to think and develop ourselves. It sounds simple, but I know it is not easy.
Thank you again for your sharing.
Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link
Hugo and Roxanne, thank you for this great bunch of posts. Make books and tapes your best friends. They do not talk back saying "you can not do that", "that will not work." They help you to grow and develop you. You are worth that effort are you not. Look at how far you can go if you chose.
ReplyDeleteDan and Deanna"Marketing Unscrambled"
Hi Roxanne and Hugo .. great last 2 ideas .. do something different .. I hate routine .. so that's fine! Develop yourself .. one hour a day .. brilliant idea ..
ReplyDeleteThanks for that .. and I love 'keep your pearly whites showing' and your positive spirit up .. pearly whites is what my mother says .. and I know she's amazed I'm so positive .. especially when I'm with her .. that is so important.
Thanks - the op was successful .. another few days and I hope she'll be out of hospital ..
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
Hugo and Roxanne, still love that cat. We found this blog that we thought that you might like to see. Here is the link: http://vivafullhouse.blogspot.com/. she had a set of twins girls and then triplets that are boys that is why it is called full house. It is a very nice blog. Her blog today is called "Happiness list." I hope that you enjoy it as much as we did.
ReplyDeleteDan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
Hi Shaw!
ReplyDeleteA few tips to make "Developing You" easier is to listen to personal development audios when you're in the car, exercising, gardening, when you're taking your brisk walk, or even when you're in the shower! It works for us and can work for you, too!
You'll find it's easier to fit into your day than you thought.
Many Blessings....
Roxanne and Hugo ~ Believe Achieve
Hi Hilary,
ReplyDeleteWe're so happy to hear the op was a success. We know she'll make a speedy recovery. We're sending healing and positive energy your way for you and Ma. And plenty hugs, too!
Take care and keep us posted.
Many Blessings....
Roxanne and Hugo ~ Believe Achieve
Hi Dan and Deanna!
ReplyDeleteLOL! Books and tapes don't talk back! We love that! You make an excellent point.
They are definitely incredible friends to have. Call it takes is a few minutes with them to boost our positive energy. And YES, we're worth every effort!! Couldn't agree with you more.
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and bringing smiles to our day. :-)
Many Blessings....
Roxanne and Hugo ~ Believe Achieve
Hi Dan and Deanna!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the link to the Happiness List! We'll be sure to check it out.
Many Blessings....
Roxanne and Hugo ~ Believe Achieve